Saturday, August 10, 2019

August 9, 2019

Weeding. So many mosquito bites in so little time.

Ran into Billy Z in the Sav-Mor. Student from 30+ years ago, still dazzlingly handsome. His wife is just as beautiful. They were in the same Humanities class years ago. She was snotty and brilliant. He was sweet and clueless. On exam day he came to my office to beg for a D. It’s my his last class before graduation; I  already have a job lined up, oh, please, please let me graduate. First and only time any student accepted a “D” as a gift. He has been a good father and an upright citizen.

Went to school at 6 AM to prepare syllabi and get ready for our department retreat at 9:30. When it got later and later and even the secretary had not shown up, I checked the email, to discover the retreat is actually NEXT Friday. The bliss of an unanticipated free week! And, to have 2/3 of my syllabi finished!

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