Thursday, August 1, 2019

August 1, 2019

Yet another summer day divided between sunshine and thunder. Finished the revision of The Handsomest Man. Gave money to Glenis’ Go Fund Me enterprise to help fight her cancer. One likes to help. One also is infuriated that people have to go on line begging friends and strangers for help when they are ill. America has so much wrong with it right now that it makes one sick thinking about it. Getting ready for the flight to Akron. It looks streamlined, doable, keeping in mind that American Airlines is capable of bollocksing anything. In charge of a school crossing they’d likely lose the children. You swear never to use an airline again, then discover they’re the only ones that go where you’re going. Sleeping heroically. I think the tension of fighting Title IX and finishing Jason released all at once. Maud sits on my foot as I type.

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