Monday, August 12, 2019

August 11, 2019

Vogel’s Indecent at the Magnetic last night. Almost perfect. Two nights back to back of really good local theater. Plays featuring German style cabarets seem to be trending now, and I say huzzah! The level of acting is far higher in Asheville than I remember it being when I was the go-to. I keep thinking I could wade back in, but maybe I couldn’t.  Ruination almost came because the man beside me had his phone out the entire time, texting, cradling it as if that was going to keep either his neighbors or the actors from seeing. Situations like that make me think “if you were really concentrating on the play this wouldn’t bother you.” But, I WAS really concentrating on the play and it DID bother me. After the curtain call I said to him “You had your phone out the entire time IN THE FRONT ROW. If you don’t know how to behave in public, stay home.” His unexpected response was a mumbled “thank you for that.’   We actually know each other from somewhere. I think we had adjacent offices when I was in the Public Service Building.

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