Sunday, July 7, 2019

July 7, 2019

Found my first college roommate online, wrote him a postcard asking, “Do you remember me?” He was one of the great disappointments of my life. It would serve me right if the feeling was mutual. He was like my first brother-in-law: someone with whom you were supposed to have a relationship, but, by reason of weirdness, could not. Still haven’t decided if I will sign the card.

Immense treasure of bird life in the backyard. Bunnies feeding in peace.

Casey writes that he will be in town and wants to see me this weekend. I carry my phone around expecting the call– of course, nothing.

Good work on Jason. I’d forgotten that the volume of work I can get done in a day is dependent upon my eyes, which weary long before evening.

Hot. Exactly the hot of July 7.

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