Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July 15, 2019

Took the cool early morning to do some weeding. Did the weeding, but came back in a frenzy of itching from the onslaught of mosquitoes. Didn’t see one of them, yet the little red circles of itch arise on arms and neck and ankles. Crabgrass and poke took the removal of layers of vine where the pine had been as an opportunity to take over.

One of those perfect summer days: some gardening; writing at the café in the morning, a productive time at the studio, then home for a nap and typing into the manuscript the pages written longhand at the café. A woman from Nashville (who wrote her Master Degree in History thesis on the Economics of the Ante Bellum Woman, bought two small paintings. I couldn’t get the Square to work (what the fuck is my password?) So I gave her my address so she can send me a check. SL was affectionate. Painted to Russian church music.

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