Monday, July 29, 2019

July 29, 2019

Coffee again with Bill A. More talk of days gone by and days to come. Received a call (7 hours after the agreed-upon time, but oh well) from the “Title IX expert,” who turns out to be from Connecticut. I’d been fairly precise on my written complaint, so not much of substance was added, but she seemed a reasonable and open-minded person, and I, for the first time, felt heard. Yet another bison lumbered his weight up off my chest. When I think that UNCA actually had to pay her for this, my gratitude increases. The only thing she didn’t do that she ought to have done is talk to the faculty. They are the ones that feel the reign of terror. They would have backed me up ferociously. Maybe I don’t need, this time, to be backed up ferociously.  I praise God for this. I feared it would blacken the last year of my career.

Wrote the last page of Jason of the Apes.

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