Friday, July 26, 2019

July 26, 2019

The most astonishing, gratifying, unexpected email appeared in my University box:

Garikai "Kai" Campbell
Jul 24, 2019, 9:06 AM (2 days ago)
to me

Dr. Hopes, 

I am sorry that this is our first interaction, but I am the new provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. I have been updated about your very serious concerns about the process surrounding the handling of a recent Title IX complaint. I am aware that your concerns were brought to the attention of President Roper at the System Office. We, UNCA, have taken the charge of investigating our process very seriously and have brought in outside expert counsel to look into things. 

This person is a Title IX subject matter expert from another institution and the review that this person is undertaking involves talking with a number of employees to get a better understanding of our processes and procedures. The hope is that this expert can speak with you tomorrow between 3:00 and 4:00, either in person, by Skype or by phone. 

If you are interested in speaking, please let me know which you would prefer and if the latter, how best to set that up. 

The review will conclude with a follow-up to both you and Dr. Roper. I am running now, but will try to follow up by phone a little later today if we can't connect via email. 

Please do feel free to call or email me with any questions, and I will do my best to have those questions answered.

It is the first indication I ever had that anyone had heard a syllable of my crie de coeur. Unfortunately I read the mail too late to participate in the way suggested, but I emailed and phoned my gratitude and willingness to participate in any way now possible.  I don’t know why this needed to be a surprise. I have awakened almost every morning fighting this issue away from my consciousness, fighting the shade this insane unfairness and destructiveness cast on my hours. I could have been at some measure of peace had I known I hadn’t been ignored. The unexpected effect was of a bison rising up from my chest and letting me breathe free, palpable and considerable relief. Who knows how it will turn out? The person’s being a “Title IX subject matter expert” is a little ominous, and suggests I should prepare myself for contact with a True Believer. Nevertheless, someone other than me has been made to worry a little. This is one of the few incidents in my life where I have been absolutely in the right, and I must keep faith until the end.
Eventful day in other ways. I cleaned out and re-ordered the tool shed, broke down the table and various storage boxes that had been on the east porch since last Memorial Day. I hacked the bamboo away that had been overhanging the elderberries, proving that bamboo will surrender to a handsaw. Weeded a little less than yesterday. Fell when I was weeding– a rather prolonged and comic fall, I should have thought had I been looking on.  I suppose I should be grateful that my shoulder aches but is not broken.

And, I watched a raccoon climbing about in my towering pine.

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