Saturday, April 28, 2018

April 28, 2018

Agonizing cramp last night, the huge muscle along the back of the thigh, pain literally unbearable, though one bears it because there is no exit. Anger jostling with agony. You hobble to the kitchen, screaming. You drink it out. God earns his curses as well as his blessings.

Brilliant stainless spring. Had plans which I changed upon seeing the azure air. Dug plots. Planted annuals. Noted that last year’s voluptuous sowing of forget-me-nots bore fruit, and there are almost enough to cover the waste places outside the fence. Talked with my limping neighbor John, who has had at least three of his joints replaced recently. I want to die with all original equipment if I can.

Went to High 5 for coffee, where Act III of Invisible Husbands was handed to me. Blessed a mother and her daughter who were playing “I Spy” and excitedly planning for next year’s entry into first grade. Blessed an ancient couple smiling and going through the line as if visiting a neighborhood cafĂ© were a pleasure they had neglected for many years, their calm old faces smiling & smiling.

Off in an hour to sing at a brewery. My voice is 85% restored. My knee aches only late at night. Learn to count these things as blessings.

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