Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13, 2018

Blazing bright spring day, the sky a flawless eggshell azure. I think I planned something else, but what I actually did was buy many bags of rich dirt and haul out to Reems Creek and buy a serviceberry and a Norway spruce. I drove my truck onto the back lawn, for the trees were too heavy to carry very far. Planted them. By the time I got to the spruce, I was so tired I had to sit in the shade and rest after every few shovelfuls. The spruce went into the tangle of English ivy that used to be the shade of the pine, and every spadeful was a tangle of ropey root. The most striking blossom now are the volunteer magenta wild phlox, and after them the volunteer buttercups. Napped. Fought savage leg cramps. It is still full light.

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