Friday, April 20, 2018

April 19, 2018

Joy in having gotten through church choir with voice intact. My earliest peony is a cloud of white bloom. The window guy comes today, so I spent part of the morning clearing away the surprising volume of nicknacks with which the sills were encumbered.

PM: The window washers–who had set their own time for arrival last week, around which I planned my day– got “caught up in something” and “had some fires to put out”– meaning they came hours late and are still working downstairs. Actually, the inside man is on the phone and the outside boy, as I watched through the kitchen doors, was also on the phone, washing with one hand. He asked if they could come back tomorrow, and I confessed that was the only thing that would be worse. Finally, it all looks fine, though one of the windows will not close now, and I had to stuff the gap with T-shirts.

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