Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8, 2015

Woke sad yesterday; woke exultant today, without any inkling why the difference.
Subsequently, yesterday was one in which every mechanical or material thing when absurdly wrong. Jars could not be opened. Mixing bowls were broken in the sink. Piles of cat vomit appeared which were larger than the cat. Went stupid in the middle of a presentation on the Smart Board. Rain started the minute I walked outside, etc. Today is another day. Good class yesterday on Wilde.
Smokey’s Tavern is closing. It was the first bar I ever entered in Asheville, when it was deeply red-neck. My first local boyfriend and I entered on a dare. Long-ago patron when it was a boys’ bar. Sudden, slight nostalgia. Sold them some of their art. I wonder if I could buy it back?

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