Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015

Wonderfully useful Cantaria rehearsal yesterday. What makes the difference between good rehearsals and bad ones? Me? Them?

Reception for Charles’ retirement. One of the things holding me back from retirement is the excess of receptions. Or perhaps I fear that there wouldn’t be any at all, that I would, as I generally do, creep out the back un-noted.

Foxglove on the verge of blossoming. White-crowned sparrows, warblers (of some kind) in the garden.

Resurrected the novel of Emma and Ellie. It’s good. Why did I put it aside? Did I ever try to publish it? No evidence remains of it, if I did. What did I even call it?

Boil over with exhaustion and frustration, then sleep. Rise, work, boil over with exhaustion and frustration, sleep. Is this what I look forward to till the end of days?

Bought a small French dresser with a serpentine top, purple and veiny.

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