Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5, 2015

Work continues on the Lakeshore sidewalks. One of the guys is posted by my driveway with a SLOW/STOP sign for traffic, and it is bitterly cold, and the wind is a gale. I wish I had a booth there to shield him. I don’t even have coffee to make him hot coffee. None of the men has work strenuous enough to keep them warm on a day like today.

Purposed to take down the Christmas tree, but was struck by such a wave of– well, I have to call it grief– that I decide to put it off until Epiphany. What if I take down the tree and Santa finally comes? How will he find me? I’m an old man weeping over a Christmas tree. It’s pathetic. But it is also so keen and real I cannot quite explain it.

Rehearsal last night good– new faces, new voices, one a recent high school graduate, which pulls down our average age about 40 points.

D changes the date of The Mermaid, bless him.

The day has turned brilliant, if still murdering cold.

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