Friday, January 16, 2015

January 15, 2015

I was wrong about the drama class Today they were committed, engaged, magnificent. Zaju and Noh. New worlds open. I began the class by telling them that I had learned something new, and we were in an exploration together. They were wonderful.

Unexpected crisis of conscience. The church reacts to an adult choir member’s Facebooking mash notes to a high school girl by insisting we all must sign pledges not to commit morally repugnant acts. One’s never having committed such acts, nor showing no signs of wanting to, will not be enough. Aside from being offensive, it’s ludicrous on the face, like suffering a robbery and then making everyone who did NOT rob you sign a document against robbery. Deep forgetfulness of the church’s long, sad history with mandatory official documents. As appalled by abuse as anyone else, I should just sign the damn thing and be done, but I can’t stop weighing the relative weight of the wrongs. Hysterical enforced unanimity has caused far more grief in this world than inappropriate Facebook messages. I did protest, and I was told that Church has decided what it has decided, and if I don’t like it, there’s the door. That, of course, is a very good sign. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I'm with you on that...the human unending comedy of errors parade continues.