Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 11, 2015

Sang and read for the funeral of an old time parishioner, nearing a century old, accomplished and beloved, one of those men with a huge family and many friends, who fill the church for his memorial, whose sons tell rambling reminiscences the very pointlessness of which testify to the loss. We all think we are going to be that man.

Lupe gave me a beautiful photograph for the use of my studio. Even the wreck of a studio looks good in it.

Brief stop at T’s birthday football watching. Delivered the crack-of-dawn cupcakes. Though I like his sister-in-law, the rest of his friends are inaccessible (to me). Six men staring at a football game on TV while six women gossip in the kitchen– I know it’s America, but it’s not me.    

Full of some emotion about school’s starting tomorrow. It’s not dread, so I’ll assume it’s something wonderful.

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