Monday, February 24, 2014

February 23, 2014

Sunday evening sliding into Sunday night. Excellent sermon this morning on one of the parts of Leviticus that is really worth something, the part about leaving the edges and the gleanings for the poor. That’s not one the rich people cite when they’re inventing responsibilities for the poor. Sang “How Form a Foundation” to that old mountain melody I like so much. The hymn, especially the last verse, has been going through my head for days. It was good to have a full investigation.  “The soul that to Jesus has fled for repose–“ it’s comforting even if it is not my present experience.

Keep returning to the trash bin behind 62, where I dumped things which turn out to be needful.

Moved my rocking chair to the new porch. Filled the bird feeders at the old place. No reason why the birds should go wanting.

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