Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11, 2014

Snow obliterates my Tolkien class, though it wasn’t sticking to the roads very much. The movers called and said they thought Wednesday was going to be worse, so could we make the move Tuesday, today, and I said yes, because, though I had planned for Wednesday, the surprise update was a relief, as surprise updates nearly always are. I say to the cats, “This is probably the last night we will spend together in this house,” the only one they have ever known, one I have inhabited longer than the lives of most of my students. Still surprising heaps of unpacked materials–most of it necessary for day-to-day life– to organize in a few hours. Counting on classes being cancelled today, too, and, if not, a spanner in the works, which I will have to deal with in some way. All is in the movers’ hands now, so I wait for them to wake and stir and have their coffee and make the decisions for my immediate life.

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