Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18, 2014

Blind-sided by new Humanities curriculum which is being enforced without being reviewed. It is education for the TWITTER generation, who doesn’t want to hear too much of anything, for whom a glance must stand in for an exploration. The up side is that it will be much more fun to teach, having shed rigor–even the wistful longing after rigor that we used to feel-- in favor of crowd-pleasing. I sputtered like an idiot at the meeting, and was patronized by faculty whose combined experience in the program is less than my own. And so it goes.

The frustration of the meeting gave me energy, and I moved all grandma’s china and set it into place in its new abode.

Good Tolkien class.

The room is cold, and of course I didn’t understand Stewart’s instructions for turning on the gas fireplace. I will now try to move the trash cans at two domiciles into proper collection space by the power of my mind--

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