Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17, 2014

Strange sensation: the furnace in this house sounds exactly like  my parents’ shower in the house in Akron, and I woke this morning thinking, for a moment, that I was waking then, and my father was in the shower, and my mother was in the kitchen, and some terrible overwritten slate had been wiped clean.

Slept most of yesterday. A touch of phlebitis was almost inevitable after the stresses of last week, and though I seem to have defeated the actual sickness, the exhaustion comes and will take its course.

Not yet able to write. “Move” is the first verb that comes to mind. Why did I have so many possessions?

By the look of the clear night before the clear morning, there will be no more vacation today.

Took my achy body to the gym after taking a week and more off for the move. It was miraculous. The aches and stiffness are gone even with a fairly moderate weight set. This happens so regularly that I should no longer be surprised.

Realized the item I bought at the Cantaria silent auction was therapy sessions by a person long known to me to be an utter fraud, with fabricated PhDs in disciplines which do not exist. Teach me to be hasty, not to read the fine (or even the gross) print.

My anger has become almost an instantaneous eruption. Need to work on that.

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