Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 9, 2013

Slow arising because of the onslaught of vivid dreams. I was slow writing them down, so some are lost, but in what I remember I was exploring near Akron. There was a small, clear river, whose bridge had been broken so you had to clamber over the ruins to get from one side to the other. I was wearing a costume or uniform which made me look like a furry wild animal. As I got to the middle of the river I saw enormous armored fish swimming by–placoderms. In the dream I noted that they were black. One had not expected them, somehow, to be black. A path on the far side of the river lead to a road through a forest, and that road led to where I’d parked my car. A drove the car out of the wilderness, taking the wrong exit and noting that I was very far down South Main and would have to drive a long way back into the city. I was contemplating what to do when light from the window woke me.

Tedious, necessary rehearsal last night, to continue today, which makes me once again absent from my studio during the River District Studio Stroll. It’s always a disappointing experience, but it’s more disappointing not to give it a try. Some of us can sing for weeks without learning anything. No one else seems to worry too much about missing, but I was galavanting the last two rehearsals, and my excuse is less sovereign now.

The furnace politely sleeps with me all night, wakes when I wake.

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