Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12, 2013

Received delivery of an 1819 printing of John Evelyn’s Journal and other writings. Hooked on the journal on the first massive page. It must be read standing up.

For supper last night had a can of bean dip. This turns out to have been very bad idea.

Sky the color of incipient snow, though I don’t think it’s cold enough.

Back in touch with PK, who set some of my poems to music back in Syracuse, and who had the most beautiful hands. Had a crush on his lover; they are still together after 38 years.

Student tells me he has to leave class unexpectedly because his bipolar medication makes him nauseated. He has the brilliant eyes of a hunting bird. The second worst student in class sends me a link proving that he is related to Shakespeare. The worst student sleeps through class, but is present faithfully. Internet videos show the Philippines flattened by what may have been the fiercest storm in the history of the world. I see through my study window one scarlet rose still blooming.

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