Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 21, 2013


The computer restarts itself in the dead of night, ostensibly to install updates. Each time the end of some files–this one, for instance-- are bitten off, and I rack my brain for what I might have written. I do not want updates on anything, in any quarter of my life.

Brief discussion with K about feuds in the department. I ask who hates and resents me, and she says “No one. People do note how you don’t serve on committees or any of that.”  I manage a wry smile, thinking of all the times I’ve wondered, “What’s wrong with me? Why am I never put on a committee or elected to Faculty Senate or anything?” What a world this is. Athena asks, “Why don’t I ever get any of the boys?”

Darkish rain before full night.

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