Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 17, 2013

Marin Marias on Pandora

Great Saturday at the studio. I was there before dawn, and again late in the afternoon, making works on paper, which is rare for me, but somehow seemed right for the moment. I was very happy, and the hours flew. On the tracks for some reason was a genuine stream locomotive, blasting dragonish steam out of every crack and singing a song I hadn’t heard in years, deep and high at once, melodious, almost organic. It was pulling a line of passenger cars which looked empty from where I was. It was magnificent. It seemed almost the right thing to do to pursue it to Marshall and see it again there, but there were too many obstacles.

Desperate to redecorate, but having no idea what I want other than what I have.

Janet said my play hadn’t “grabbed” her when she read it to herself. (Though it did when we read it aloud)  For a time I follow the impulse to weight the “grab” quotient in my pieces, realize that grabbing or failing to grab myself is not the proper test.

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