Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, 2013

Philip Glass on Pandora

Spiderman closes in January. I’m moderately glad I saw it first.

Drinks with Jesse to speed her on her way to the next endeavor.

Woozy enough in the AM to cancel the one class, improved through the day, though woozy again now. Morning sickness? Maybe I didn’t drink enough before retiring. Still, a sensation of spiritual well-being beneath the physical curiosity.

Good painting. Good napping. Disaster for my playwrights, as we waited too long and there are no venues open for us to do our plays in. Disappointing, but a relief in a variety of ways. As one ages one must force back the perception that it is easier to do nothing than to do something.

Dark outside, absolute. A dark door that is all the world.

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