Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6, 2013

Thought I was going to get the truck an inspection after my workout at the Y, ended by spending $500 on the replacement of various objects and fluids. To be fair, I had not checked or replaced anything since I bought the dear thing, and it was time for a little attention. Hiked to Bruegger’s for coffee, noting how distinctive the coffee crowd was there from that at Edna’s or Starbucks, the places I habituate. Since I was already in the truck, I went to Reems Creek and bought a green-flowed hydrangea, snakeroot, sage, hyssop, black-eyed Susan, with much hacking and pulling got them all into the ground. Most of them were bought as quick-spreaders,  brutal and greedy,  to try to outrun the tangle of vines that have ruled Carolyn’s bank since time immemorial. I rather overdid, and spent the end of the day thinking I was exhausted and sick, when in fact I was only exhausted. A night, then, of the most fantastic dreams, radiant, lengthy, mythological. Perhaps I put that down to retiring stone cold sober.

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