Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 10, 2013

Brought concrete blocks to raise up DJ’s bed so it’s easier to get in and out. It’s still not quite at a normal height.

Revised my dad-dying play into one half good, half bad into one quite good. You do that by taking out all the things you really wanted to say. Going to look at others while the mood it on me. I leave some projects a revision or so from perfection under the (subconscious) conviction that my pretty good efforts are better than other people’s finished products. I’m not convinced this is untrue, merely something the gods won’t let me get away with.

Glorious riot of bloom on the front bank, one golden sunflower setting off the dozen red-purples of the morning glories. A white hydrangea sends its ghost through the first-of-morning dark, the first visible thing.

Missed two readings last night. You fall into wasteful arithmetic– “well, they didn’t come to MY reading. . .” My public excuse was that I was still too exhausted to drag myself out of the house once the sun was down.

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