Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 18, 2013

Watched rain fall slowly on dry soil, into which I had just put a spurge. Darkened, softened, altered ts shape, like bunched muscles relaxing.

If I stopped reading Facebook and the news, would I stop thinking we are a police state run by fascists and lunatics? Would my no longer thinking that make it less the case?

Peaceful Circe asleep against the keyboard, not caring one way or the other. She imagines nothing will touch her here.

Review of the festival in Washington. The reviewer lavished greatest praise on the local boy, but my 16th and Curtis was mentioned among the “also not-so-bad.”

Dreaming about him made me try to find Hugh Schuckman. He’s an emergency room doctor in Akron, and, according to the reviews, apparently a bad one. We were all in love with him when he came back home all muscled up after his tour in the Marines.

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