Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12, 2013

The health signs yesterday morning were deceptive. I did get up and go to Alma’s brunch, which was nice, but by the end of it I was sick indeed. Could not finish the lovely omelet. Came home, lay down and did not get up again. I was hot and monstrously heavy and unfathomably tired. I felt like a thick pool of lava. It is cool morning now and I feel better, though still tired.  MR was the other guest at the brunch, which was ironic, as he was one who, because of sheer weirdness, I’d resolved not to meet again. Alma and I discussed the next reunion, and who of the Class of 1968 would be the last one standing. Ironically, before Wednesday I had congratulated myself several mornings on a feeling of intense physical well-being. Never let the gods hear what you’re thinking.

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