Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013

Neighbors looking over the fence at my garden. Kelly says how beautiful she thinks it is. Quincey says, with great formality, “I think it is like something you would see in a fiction novel.”

Maud vomits on the THE GREATEST pillow that was my goddaughter’s first Christmas gift to me.

Last night brought the worst acid attack ever, and I don’t know what caused it, since I had eaten very little, and not late. Each time I began to fall asleep, I would vomit acid into my mouth. The acid would cause outrageous coughing, and the coughing would bring up more bile. In addition, my stomach and all my digestive system was rumbling and bubbling, and when I tried to expel what was causing that, out came only a flux of blood. Was up and down through the small hours of the night, but woke around six, so I must have slept a little. My throat feels like I had drunk acid, which I have done, except in the reverse direction. My voice is ruined for the moment, and the excuse I had for skipping rehearsal this morning is this provided, after I had decided not to use it. Legs ache, but I don’t know how to blame my stomach for that.

On top of it all, it seems not to have rained.

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