Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18, 2013

Kevin the Frog made his appearance yesterday, stretched out on the rims of the water gardens, the master of all he surveyed. I managed to get a photo through the study screen, which was a hit on Facebook.

Determined to spend the day at the studio, but did not. It seemed shorter than usual days. Found a flat of bedraggled primroses at the hardware store for half price, planted those just as rain was beginning to fall. In the course of things I asked myself whether there was anything in the world no one could say a word against, and the answer was at my fingertips, “primroses.” Rehearsal at Central Methodist, where I was reunited with the boys from The Mikado. Not really interested anymore in singing with gigantic choirs. Drank a bottle of red wine at Avenue M, which was a mistake, for I am a little hungover, and the complicated taste of it (rather like honey poured over concrete) is still in my mouth.

Too much to do at the end of the school year. Hands held out to forfend.

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