Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25, 2013

Happy to sing between Brian and Russell, but other than that rehearsal last night was a slow, minor sadness. DJ said we harmonized well. I ask myself why the experience is so dark: I’m learning nothing; my voice doesn’t count in the mass; utter despair at the loss of another Saturday. Have to learn to turn my back on things that damage. Gin and tonics helped.

Installed the water gardens yesterday, buying new water lilies in as many colors as they had. Planted asylum over Carolyn’s cast-out potato pit. Planted 4 o’clocks. Took poison to the vines coming up under the mulch on the front slope. Was standing inches from the feeder when a bird landed on it. I couldn’t identify it right off. It looked like a brown headed nuthatch, but the crown didn’t look brown, but an iridescent brown-silver. I watched as he picked four or five seeds out of the hole, cast them down, until finding the one he wanted. Went to school to hear the senior research projects. Half were quite good, half were not. We need a moratorium on gender studies and sociological readings of Jane Austen. Had a massage, which revealed that my body was in real distress.

Back in touch with Jason Cicci, who wants to be in Lincoln. That would be great.

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