Friday, April 12, 2013

April 12, 2013

Finished class and various duties, picked up my tax return, celebrated by driving out to the Reems Creek Nursery. Planted Brussels sprouts, Best Boy tomatoes, and two kinds of cabbage in a space semi-prepared by the ravages of the plumbers. Spaded, yanked out the inevitable vine roots, then worked in rich earth from the nursery. I let God water them through the night, as he continues to do to this moment.

On the subject of the plumbers, my once excellent collection of garden trowels is gone. I have no suspect but them. Troweling with the side of a hoe.

Drinks at Avenue M with Jessie, who volunteered to house set while I’m gone. I like talking with her about veganism, for I have never quite understood the morality of it (an egg or milk doesn’t damage an animal, and she wears wool). She won’t drink Guinness because it’s filtered through isenglass, which turns out to be fish bladders miraculously processed.

Very legalistic dreams. In them I was impressed by my own knowledge of the law. Dream law.

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