Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2, 2013

Lawrence the fish tilts one way in his universe of water when the floor lamp is on, thinking it must be the sun. He tilts the other way when the TV is on, thinking, no doubt, the same.

Terrible dream, which persisted though I woke up twice in the midst of it. I was feuding with my neighbor (John the film maker at the end of the street, who, I think, rather likes me in real life) It was not this house and not this neighborhood, but he kept stealing things from my house (a painting, a bicycle) and then throwing trash in the yard. He would send vicious women up the front steps, who would snarl “I hate you!” I punched one in the face and tumbled her back down the stairs. DJ was there and worried that I’d get into trouble. I marveled that I should be in trouble after merely retaliating. John-in-the-dream seemed to have the ear of authority in some unjust way. When I woke I couldn’t fathom the root or cause of the dream, as I usually can,

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