Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 17, 2013

Raised Lawrence the Fish out of his aquarium and into the largest of the water gardens. He’s bashful, so I made sure that, this time, there were places to hide. Got very anthropomorphic, wondering if he missed watching me through his glass walls, missed his little light or my tapping on his roof when it was dinner time. His new home is colossal in comparison. Does he like colossal? Did he prefer compact? Are there dangers I don’t think of? The mind takes its own course.

Good class on Rome yesterday. Unusually rowdy Humanities class, but at least part of it is engagement with me and with the materials. Will try to get to the studio today. Will it remember me?

“Wind Chimes” a finalist in the Thomas Wolfe Prize.

My goddaughter is calling herself Bella-Barnabas Marsh. Not a married name, but arising from something, I’m sure. The list of people I miss. . . .

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