Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4, 2013

Very detailed dreams. In one I was Yeats (yes, actually William Butler Yeats) thinking– so the dream alleged–what Yeats would have been thinking. It was actually quite wonderful. In another I was a little black girl in a white dress. There was an adventure of some kind (it involved the working out of a poetic secret code) , but when the little girl began looking rather obsessively for a toilet in the dream, I knew it was time to get up.

Pale brown spider living, apparently, under my keyboard. He seems very calm, watching my fingers fly from three inches away.

Arranged my day around the visitation of the cleaners who, of course, did not come. Snotty note from the owner fussing about my “demeanor” and wondering that I don’t understand that sometimes thing just happen. Told him things do NOT happen to those who plan ahead, and that my demeanor is none of his concern. Learn today whether I have to look for a new cleaning service. He doesn’t know how much entropy works in his favor.

Spider stands ½ an inch from sleeping Circe’s ear. Does he think “that is a cat’s ear?”

Time at the studio yesterday, eventually defeated by the cold and by the ugliness of my project.

Wake up wondering what I should be writing.

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