Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 26, 2013

Classes cancelled yesterday for an ice-storm which, here on this ground, never came to anything. Spent time luxuriating in the warm house and then cleaning up debris in the yard, piling stones into fewer, larger piles, and the like. The heat was good in its time; the chill was good in its time. Went to the cafĂ© and wrote a play for overlapping voices–or at least I think I did. Will know when I open the notebook in a few minutes. Zach reads two of my recent stories (the ones which won prizes) and gives me excellent and unexpected, and quite persona, critique. I never think my stories are about me, but he saw that these, anyway, are. I actually can’t think of what I did with all that time. The Y closed, so there was no workout. A big check came from a magazine.  Maybe I just took a break. I was thrown off by having slept till it was broad daylight. This dark morning I’m back on schedule.

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