Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 25, 2013

Two odd things this morning. One, I overslept by four hours, losing the time I call my first day in this bifurcated life. Two, classes have been cancelled. The sky glowers, but not a flake has fallen on the land I can see. However, am not going to pretend to indignation. A day off is a day off. Those four hours were taken up by vivid and persistent dreams, with a theme, I thought, but also with an underlying image of water. One I remember pretty well was about living in a beautiful old city on a river. I was associated with the theater there, and the theater too was beautiful, with royal blue interiors. Up river from the city was the lair of monsters, and when the monsters stirred they disturbed the river, and the city flooded in a gentle, rather attractive way, the water just appearing as a sort of crystal medium. People could and did attend the theater with water up to their shoulders. The water must have tilted or something to accommodate the rake of the house, though I think of that now, and it wasn’t in the dream. Water is always blessed in my dreams.

Seeing candidates for positions in the department. I pity them for the gauntlet we put them through. Thank God I went through that only one year.

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