Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2, 2013

Long coffee break with Marco. It may well be our longest conversation since we were studio mates. He showed me is artifacts made of steel, using his phone as a photo album, a concept which still surprises me. I forget from time to time what an element of adventurous kid he has in him. If the first day of the year is actually a template for the rest, it will be uneventful, calm, rainy, pleasant enough. Tom and Wind have seized MY CafĂ© to do their writing in late in the mornings. I think of it as a usurpation, both of the attention of my oldest friend and of my “local.” A theater in New York is, mildly at this point, interested in The Kings of the Earth Rise Up.

My plecostomus is dead. I thought they were meant to live forever. Sad.

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