Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16, 2013

The semester begins. Have met all my classes at least once. No one has said boo about the one under-enrolled, so I suppose we too roll forward. One kid after Humanities said, “Have you seen The Hobbit?”
“OK, when I walked in I said to myself, ‘I’m being taught by Bilbo Baggins.’”

My schedule is both hellacious and not– which is to say I have to be there all five days (poor me) but on 4 of those days I have but one class. Monday is the pit.

K’s beard looking sexy as hell. He hasn’t a shade of purple in him, so one sighs and thinks of other things.

L installed the blinds in Apothecary at long, long last, and they look both great and subtle, so we can oo and ah and the landlord who didn’t want them might not notice them at all. Meeting last night with the guys who run the place (though I guess I’m one of the guys who run the place) and was impressed again by their knowledge, their vison and collegiality. In almost every other meeting I have to roll my eyes, knowing a better way and thinking it futile to argue the point. Not here. Here simply I don’t know a better way.  They’re all musicians and tech music majors, so when the discussion come around to acoustics, as it almost always does, I’m suddenly in an advanced physics class.  Too-early-to-meeting wine at Pack Tavern, which is enormous.

Woke to a dream of singing in an a capella quartet. We rehearsed in a gymnasium. We had some Renaissance piece before us, where the tenors started a beat before the rest of us. We never got the piece fully rehearsed. The first time I came in too strong on my note. Then the tenor hadn’t been paying attention, then something was wrong with the sopranos. . .. A dream of frustration, of process? What?

Nearly infinite rains.

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