Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1, 2012

Late rising, though it is still dark.

Cantaria grows by a few singers a night. Our sound must be quite formidable –rough and formidable just now. Some of our time is frittered away by divas, some of it by chatterboxes. But that many gay men together in the same place, what else could be expected?

Unearthed a sheet of paper, and remembered that during the last class my student taught I had been practicing writing with my left hand. On that day I wrote more with my left hand than on all the days of my life before. Felt like a student again, doodling like mad, watching the clock.

Obama ahead in most polls in most constituencies. This is well, for a Republican administration is unthinkable. They’ve not even bothered to conceal their selfishness and scheming love of inequity. They have not participated in government for four years except to insure that the president’s plans should fail. They probably think of what they do as politics, but it is actually evil. Amazingly, Romney feels worse than Bush. One imagined that could not happen. Bush had at least a bit of the scamp about him. Solemn evil is worse than twinkling incompetence. Justice would be for the Republicans never again to have a national presence, having lost the right to govern anything, anywhere.

1 comment:

Marty said...

Inconceivable that you are not among the current MacArthur Fellows.