Monday, October 8, 2012

October 7, 2012

The roof leaks again. I thought my golden friend had fixed it. No match for the autumn rains.

Cantaria sang for Blue Ridge Pride yesterday afternoon. It was far more clement than it had been the year before. Bright skies. Enthusiastic audience. Had a sort of crush on the one who was singing to my left, so there was an interesting frisson to the event.

Bought a Mac Book.

Can hardly bear looking at my garden, for it’s in the transition between abundance and productivity and the sort quiescence which allows one to dig it up and prepare for the next round.

The movie Battleship (which wasn’t as bad as everyone said) and shots of moonshine in apricot nectar at DJ’s. Staggering home in the dark and the unanticipated cold.

1 comment:

Golden Boy said...

You should have me take a look at that roof again.