Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 6, 2012

Memorial service for Hans after Cantaria. I read Donne’s Holy Sonnet X, realizing in the midst of it that the sentiment was not quite right. Hans did not die the knotty and turbulent death the poem assumes.

Actress Kelly McGillis attended church in the morning. I saw one strange, striking woman; maybe it was she. More interested that Jake and his mother were there. I had forgotten she is clergy. She spoke of being at All Souls like coming back from the missionary field and being among peers again. Jake is probably the best son in the world.

My first Superbowl party ever: DJ and Maria and Russell and MP and me with way too much food. Madonna did a good halftime show. Very Vegas. I was not all that interested, but leaned vaguely toward the Giants, so it was well.

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