Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20, 2012

Rick Santorum proves that there’s nothing a bigot and an idiot can say that will not elicit applause from somebody. Bigots and idiots, I suppose. He is going to be the first one to come out and admit he hates the President for being black, all other cited causes being, more or less, imaginary.

New owners at Mountain Java. A gay couple, I guess. Bears.

Weekend devoured (in a good way) by revisions. Took In the Country of the Young out of mothballs, realizing, in a bolt from the blue, what to do with it. Continued revisions on Davie Jax, also lately from the vaults. Some painting, but ultimate frustration in not being able to get a face right. I do not know how to achieve the smoothness of paintings I admire. I think I may be using my brushes too long. Or my impatience leads me to over-paint what is not dry enough.

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