Thursday, August 18, 2011

Vance Preview

Tom and I went to the preview of Vance last night. Everything was, or was approaching, satisfactory, and that’s a marvel for a playwright to say for dress rehearsal. Some flubs, some elisions, some insalubrious line changes, but for the most part the sort of production which makes a playwright grateful. Michael Mattison’s acting was nothing less than bravura. The Venus we finally settled on was perfection, and her maneuvering around the n-word graceful. The crowd that came to the B&B for the reception afterward was full of praise. What the crowd who did not come to the B&B thought is anybody’s guess. I couldn’t see what one would object to too strenuously, but other people’s peeves are always a surprise. G from All Souls sat in front of me. When it was over she turned around and said, in the most emphatic tones,. “Now That Was WORK.” I determined to take it as praise.

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