Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 26, 2011

Hot and dry return. Irene throws threatening clouds over our heads, but no precipitation.

The Citizen-Times review of Vance is highly favorable. I thought I would have been the only person to have read it, and so brought copies to the performance, but everyone had seen it already. I do live in my own little world.

I went to tonight’s performance only to meet Richmond, who said he was going. Richmond did not arrive.

Spent an hour at the café because T said he wanted to talk to me about his script. T did not arrive.

Crawled under the desk for some reason, discovering plateaus of elderly cat vomit which had to be scraped away with knives and solvent.

The school week was paralyzing. Must consider why in order to know how to face the rest of the semester, the rest of the year. I suspect all the reasons are extra-curricular.

Notable bobbles in the performance tonight. Most of the things which bother me could have been fixed with a word. Some could not. Perhaps there was enough time just to get it to the point where it is. The things which delighted me in the first performance delight me still.

How much praise would be enough praise? What would someone say that might really content me, and leave me unable to detect a negative or ironic reading?

Entered a search for “worthless crap” on Ebay. Oddly, came up with nothing.

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