Saturday, August 13, 2011

August 13, 2011

Telephone interview with the Citizen Times concerning Vance. Tony wants to make it this weekend’s big feature story. I try to make up thoughtful justifications for decisions in which very little thought was involved.

The tumult I hear outside my windows every now and then is not, as I thought, swifts invading the chimney, but rather the hummingbird wars. A rowdy male dive bombs anyone who tries to drink at the feeders, except his own mate, his ruby patch gleaming like a coal. There’s enough sugar water for a hundred birds, and I will be making more all summer, but he is not content with peace and bounty, but prefers the gleaming edge of war. For that he was made, and he is beautiful, if a little ridiculous. He wouldn’t be ridiculous if there were but one flower in a barren world.

Sang for Sophie and Amy’s commitment ceremony. It was sweet. The room was full of transgendered women who make, now, quite striking men. A church across the street from the celebration venue is for sale, and I conceived in my unaccountable heart the desire to buy it.

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