Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August 9, 2011

Kelly had a Harry Potter themed birthday party for Quincy, complete with streamers in the colors of Gryffendor, and a sign for platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross. She is the best mother in the world; who knows how her son will end up remembering her? Justice is universally lacking in such matters. All the children at the party were beautiful, central casting birthday party children. There are ancient photos of me at similar birthday parties, though they had no particular theme. I always looked, then, very happy.

Excellent early morning at the studio. That was so long ago in this long day that I forgot it was part of the same one.

The backyard now owns a ziggurat of bags of dirt I bought from the going-out-of-business Citizens Hardware, which was my favorite store, and which I will lament, together with its spare, cheekboney, weather-darkened personnel. The owner helped me load my dirt. He said , “There’s no money to be made anymore. Nobody’s buying anything.” I didn’t need the dirt, but I needed to say farewell,

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