Sunday, November 30, 2008

November 30, 2008

Yesterday morning spent at the Vet with Jocasta, but when I consider how many mornings and evenings have NOT been spent at the emergency award with a bleeding child, it seems a small price. They put us in a tiny, enclosed, perfectly square cubicle to wait for the vet, and I was on the verge of frenzy by the time he showed up. A sensory deprivation chamber and I would not be a good match. A bottle of antibiotics gives the hope that all is well with her for a while. It was touching to see those big lugs dragging in on a Saturday morning, on the verge of tears, hurt puppies in their arms.

When packing dad’s possessions for the final trip to Atlanta, I used blankets and comforters from the cupboards as padding. I’m trying actually to use them for their intended purpose now. Currently on my bed is a yellow quilt with yellow tassels all over it, which looks homemade. I just wish I knew whose home. I don’t believe I ever saw it in use. Perhaps it is a precious heirloom that I was told nothing of.

Yesterday an achy, sleepy, stay-at-home day. I did get writing done on The Falls of the Nantahala.

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