Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 16, 2008

Headed downtown last night for No Shame Theater. It was a good one, many engaging pieces and only a few stupid ones. The stupid ones were salvaged by the good will of the audience. Willie seems to be writing a stage adaptation of All the King’s Men. It was the piece which ought to have a future beyond that night. Good actors, good company, good moments scattered through. I was glad I went, though Sunday morning came early.

Sang for 9 o’clock service; sang for 11:15 service, sang the Mozart Requiem with UNCA at First Baptist, went to Cantaria rehearsal. I was probably of negative value at the Cantaria rehearsal. I’ve had enough singing for a while, but I was in good voice, so it was, largely, a delight. We had to be on stage for the Requiem a while ahead of time, so I listened to the conversation of the boys around me, funny and wide-ranging, full of false facts and true ones sown with equal exuberance. I was happy in their company, and will be a little forlorn without them tomorrow.

The Jane Bingham debacle turns out, according to DJ, to have been an issue of bad communication. He claims that it wasn’t that the Cathedral wasn’t going honor its commitment, but just that it hadn’t. The check hadn’t gotten written, but nobody was withholding it for the cruel reasons I had imagined. Now, I do chastize myself for unnecessary volatility, but if anyone at any time had said, “Relax, we haven’t gotten to it yet. It’s coming,” the issue would have been at rest forever. I said before that I can’t fight the fog. Turns out that I can’t even cooperate with it.

I feel tricked into being an asshole.

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