Friday, November 21, 2008

November 18, 2008

Steve Willows has died of cancer. Since I have known him his life was a series of disappointments and hard knocks. Maybe it is peace now.

Phone calls from friends throughout the evening. This is strange to me, and I don’t know precisely how to act. I hope for the best.

John and Scott are back to fix a leak in the new porch roof, and to pocket another $1000.

Word is that the Jane Bingham check has been written. I’m proud to say I took a deep breath and got back into the game before that news reached me. It was more trouble than it was worth, though I will try to keep that to myself. I will try not to wonder why certain people did so badly by me, and try to remember how others did so well.

I am waiting for something. I do not know what it is.

The drowsy cats thronged about me on the desk make it difficult to stay awake.

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